An original Little Golden Book based on the live action Disney film The Little Mermaid!
“The Little Mermaid,” visionary filmmaker Rob Marshall’s live-action reimagining of the studio’s Oscar®-winning animated musical classic, opens exclusively in theaters nationwide May 26, 2023. “The Little Mermaid” is the beloved story of Ariel, a beautiful and spirited young mermaid with a thirst for adventure. The youngest of King Triton’s daughters, and the most defiant, Ariel longs to find out more about the world beyond the sea, and while visiting the surface, falls for the dashing Prince Eric. While mermaids are forbidden to interact with humans, Ariel must follow her heart. She makes a deal with the evil sea witch, Ursula, which gives her a chance to experience life on land, but ultimately places her life – and her father’s crown – in jeopardy. Relive the magic of the film again and again in this Little Golden Book, perfect for kids ages 2 to 5 and fans and collectors of all ages!
Product Details:
ISBN/EAN: 0736443614 / 9780736443616
Publisher: Random House Disney
Publish Date: August 01, 2023
Pages: 24
Target Age: 2-5