Jamaica - An Island, vibrant with color and character!
Whether a child wants to know more about their cultural roots and ethnic origins, or they are simply curious about discovering a country rich with natural resources and rugged beauty, this Caribbean children’s book collection is here to help!
The book begins with a Fact file which includes interesting information about Jamaica such as the size of the country and population; weather and major cities. The reader will meet the characters Tashie, Shen and Ziggy who will take them on an exciting journey exploring where they live, beautiful landscapes and locations such as Dunns River Falls.
You will learn about school life as well as common every-day phrases in Jamaican Patwa. Jamaicans love to celebrate and so we have included their important national holidays in the Jamaican calendar such as Bob Marley day and Harvest festival.
Product Details:
ISBN/EAN: 1739936558 EAN: 9781739936556
Publisher: Our World My Roots
Publish Date: October 24, 2023
Pages: 66
Target Age: 5-12